Sunday 6 March 2016

Weekly Report and Reflection Post #8

Hello Everyone!

It is the start of March and this school year is quickly coming to a close. I have my job set in Alberta for the summer and I could not be more excited! Anyone who is looking for their next thrill I highly recommend going out west because as the saying goes, west coast is the best coast! The week for us ADEDers was digital rights and responsibilities and checking out Google Hangouts which was a pretty interesting activity and resource we will be utilizing in the future.

This week was a short week but we still learned some interesting information in regards to being a better digital citizen. We focused on the element of digital rights and responsibilities and I learned more on the rights and responsibilities of living in a digital society. Within this society, every individual who has access to the internet and digital world has rights and responsibilities placed on them. The three that I found to be most important were right to privacy, right to assemble, and giving credit where credit is due and this was because I feel they are where most issues arise on the internet. 

The pervasive issues of the breaching of privacy on social media and certain information being disseminated when it shouldn't, bullying and excluding others from forums and activities, and stealing the ideas of other individuals and claiming them as your own are some of the predominant problems. These issues arise frequently and I believe it is important individuals in the digital community know they have a right to privacy and to assemble as well that everyone should give credit where it is due as it is proper netiquette. The digital community is unique and allows individuals to utilize technology and connect wherever but this does not give them the right to subvert the right of others. I learnt more on rights and responsibilities this week which will only help me in bettering myself within the digital community and in being a digital citizen. 

To finish up I would like to share an article titled "10 Simple Steps to Stop Procrastinating" from my Feedly feed (is that right? lol). This article suggests 10 steps in stopping or at least limiting procrastination, something that is detrimental to most students. Most have difficulty with procrastination and little suggestions like these go a long way in at least getting the brain started in moving in the right direction. Hope it is of use or interest to someone; That is it for this week, have a great day!

Jason Wilson

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