Friday 11 March 2016

Technology Use Scenario

I chose scenario number four and it goes as follows: During word-processing class, Mr. McIntosh notices Mary has both of her hands under the computer desk. As Mr. McIntosh comes around to her station Mary puts her hands back on the keyboard, but he notices that her cellphone is on her lap with a text on the screen. Mr. McIntosh asks Mary to stay after class, where she says that she was sending a text to her mother about picking her up after school. What does the teacher do?

In this situation I believe Mary is using technology inappropriately because during class when the teacher is teaching, everyone needs to be able to give their full attention in order to learn to their fullest and give respect to the teacher. What makes this situation inappropriate is that not only is Mary being disrespectful to Mr. McIntosh but not giving her full attention, she is also being disrespectful to her classmates. Multiple studies are being produced which are providing evidence for how detrimental cellphones and texting are in class. A study titled Effects Of Classroom Cell Phone Use On Expected And Actual Learning demonstrates how students lost 30% on quizzes when texting during class and then being quizzed on the material and another study titled The Impact of Mobile Phone Usage on Student Learning demonstrated how it negatively affects individuals around the person using the phone bringing their marks down as well! There can be no argument as to why using cell phones during class is inappropriate. 

This situation can easily be ameliorated by Mary and Mr. McIntosh if they work together on a solution. Mr. McIntosh should inform Mary and the class that if they need to text their parents they are able to when asking for permission if it is during class or simply just letting them know to wait till after class due to the negative effects of texting during class. Mary should do her part to let the teacher know that she needs to text her parents and let them know of any situation occurring. Rather then hiding, being open about why she needs to use her cellphone is most appropriate. I hope everyone agrees with me!

Jason Wilson   

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