I was introduced to VoiceThread this week and had to comment on multiple slides on the topic of digital rights and responsibility. VoiceThread is a beneficial academic tool as an individual can create a slideshow on any topic, we'll say academic for this instance, and their fellow peers can comment on it, leave a voice or video clip, upload a file, even have it call your phone to comment! When having to do group projects this tool is very useful as students can comment in various ways which further enhances communication within the group. They can work together, even at different times, through their laptop or cellphone in order to complete a project which is convenient for everyone in the group.

This is a tool I will be adding to the collaboration and communication sections in my PLE on Popplet as not only can you communicate  with your group members, you can simultaneously work on it through different devices which allows you to collaborate and finish projects. I can not wait to use this tool in my academic learning as having the ability to leave voice clips and videos allows classmates to pick up tone and how things are meant to be said as well as create a more personalized experience online. After commenting on the digital rights and responsibilities VoiceThread which was our task for this week, I was able to read my fellow peers comments and gain better insight to how they felt about certain situations and how they would go about handling them. This was a great in adding to my learning and understanding of digital rights and responsibilities. Below is the slideshow about digital rights and responsibilities that we commented on, check it out!:

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