My Slideshow

This week our task was to utilize one of the different slideshow tools offered to us and create a slideshow on copyright. I decided on Animoto because after my exploration of the tools it seemed to be the easiest to grasp and offered a unique way of doing a slideshow. This tool was fun to use and is very beneficial.

When first starting off in Animoto you are required to choose a video as a template for your slideshow. This was brand new to me as I have only ever known slideshows to be slides that can be timed or go off with the click of a mouse. Animoto offers a unique way to do slideshows as your slideshow is a video! You add images and commentary throughout the video which would be the information for the slides and Animoto creates a visual slideshow that is very appealing. Additionally, you can add your own logo to the start or end of the video and choose your own music to be played which is a bonus for presentations to certain groups (clients, students, etc). The only difficulty to Animoto is how few characters you can put on each slide. The limit is around 30-40 characters and it is difficult to put more then a sentence or two which is disadvantageous. Here is my slideshow on the importance of copyright:

From this activity, I took away just how important copyright is in the digital world and how easily it can be to find copyrighted images you shouldn't use as well as copyright free images you can. Giving credit to others ideas and following and respecting copyright laws are part of being good digital citizen and digitally responsible. Animoto contributed to my knowledge of digital citizenship and digital responsibility as I learnt how important it is to cite and be responsible as well as how to be an overall better digital citizen by utilizing copyright free images over copyrighted images. Along with Animoto we were introduced to Creative Commons which is a website which assists you in searching and finding copyright free images for multiple websites. This website makes it easier to use the right content and follow proper netiquette within the digital community!

Geralt (2016). Anonymous Mask (Online Image). Retrieved from:

ElisaRiva (2016). Stop Sign (Online Image). Retrieved from:

Geralt (2016). Shaking Hands (Online Image). Retrieved from:

Gleenferdinand (2015, February 13). Boxed Lightbulbs (Online Image). Retrieved from:


Jason Wilson

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