Friday 29 January 2016

Weekly Report & Reflection Post #4

Welcome Back,

The activities I completed this week required me to set up an account on Diigo as well as with the curation tool known as Google Alerts. Diigo is a beneficial bookmarking tool that allows you to bookmark your favorite websites, highlight text within them, and more (it's great)! Google Alerts is also a valuable tool which allows you to input keywords and topics for which it will collect information up to the minute and alert you immediately. Both are useful ways to gather pertinent information and stay up to date on topics of your choosing!

When exploring Diigo and the tools it contains such as bookmarking and tagging, I learned the benefits it has for my academic career. With Diigo you have the ability to open your account on your other devices, may it be phone or tablet, and continue where you left off. For myself this is extremely beneficial as when I am doing essays I find myself utilizing my laptop, tablet, and phone (I am very lucky to have all three) and moving from location to location to complete my paper. With using all three and moving around, I find that I lose many websites and quotes that I wanted to utilize in my paper because they get lost between the three devices or forgotten during my shift in locations. Diigo allows me to bookmark all my websites that I find useful as well as tag subjects and highlight any quotes or specific sections I found interesting or useful to my work. What is even more awesome and valuable is that Diigo allows me to tag together subjects that are relevant and leave a description with each to remember why I had done so. This allows me to be a more organized student and I believe this will only help me succeed in my educational activities and academic career.

With valid and reliable online bookmarks, they are very valuable and can contribute in building your knowledge. They contribute to knowledge (at least mine) as with them be valid and reliable I know the information I am receiving is more often then not relevant, educational, and trusted. After doing some preliminary scans, I find that a majority of the websites presented are articles and journals written by academics that have a vested interest in the topic they are writing about. They put forth up to date information and discuss pertinent topics occurring in today's world relevant to the sunject. For me in sociology, the more articles I have to cite and support my theories and arguments the better I do academically. This in turn builds my knowledge and assists me in becoming a better student. Therefore, utilizing valid and reliable online bookmarks is beneficial to my education and will help to build my knowledge on whatever I hope to study and bookmark.  

To conclude this week, I wanted to put forth an article I discovered on my Feedly that I found to be extremely interesting. The article which is titled 5 Simple Tricks to Bring Major Happiness to Your Life is found on the Psych Central website. This article suggests five tricks to make you happy and personally I found it put a smile on my face. That's it for me this week, have a great weekend friends!


Jason Wilson 


1 comment:

  1. Good work here Jason. You have done a great job of conveying your experiences working through the course explorations, further enhanced by your use of images, post formatting, and the incorporation of hyperlinks. Well done, keep it up! :)
