Tuesday 19 January 2016

My Experience With RSS Feeds

Hello Friends!

This week I will be writing two blogs which is a first for me and I must say it is very exciting. This week I was fortunate enough to be introduced to Feedly which is an extremely useful tool. I personally have never heard of it but it seems to have quite the buzz around it. How it functions is that it collects news for you! By searching within Feedly you can search up your favorite topics or add a URL, Feedly then allows you to follow the topic you searched or selected, then not only does it categorize the topics for you it collects news from them! It presents the categories in a side bar and allows you to explore within them, it also suggest other blogs and news to follow that pertain to the interests and blogs you have followed already. Feedly is extremely beneficial and can be used for a variety of reasons. Feedly is very similar to the website Stumbleupon which enabled me to grasp it's concept and before I knew it I was Feedlying away (is that a word?). I have added multiple interests I have and Feedly has presented articles that are different and interesting in their own way, it is easy to see how someone can get stuck on it for awhile.   
                                 Retrieved from: http://www.geeksonfinance.com/how_5420450_win-scratch-off-lottery-ticket.html 

Utilizing Feedly, I searched up a sociology blog and I was not disappointed. I found the Everyday Sociology blog which contains a myriad of articles relating all to sociology. Within the multiple blog posts I read one by Jonathan Wynn titled "The Lottery as Gift: Who Wins?" which was a thought provoking article. Wynn (2015) suggests that lottery tickets are essentially a voluntary tax which many individuals in the lower socioeconomic status pay into when they buy these tickets. They a very little odds of winning and are essentially just funneling money back to the government. This article was very relevant to my education and was a very enjoyable read. Knowing that Feedly will present me with articles like this only wants me to continue using it and only expand which blogs I follow for the best articles! Feedly has many benefits and is a tool I will definitely be suggesting to my peers. It has the capability of helping me greatly on future assignments as I will be able to find articles that could be utilized to support my perspective in a paper. This is it for this blog, I suggest you check out Feedly ASAP!


Jason Wilson  

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