Sunday 10 January 2016

Week 1 ADED 1P32

Hello Again!

The focus this week and the discussion for my weekly report and reflection blog post is on digital footprints and net etiquette aka netiquette. A digital footprint is essentially the combination of the activities and information you have done and left on the internet. It is compiled throughout your entire digital life and in today's society begins for many at birth. As mentioned in the video the "Digital Dossier" by Youth and Media, simply a picture of yourself being posted online kick starts your digital dossier and your digital footprint begins. Netiquette is closely associated to the digital footprint as they work hand in hand. Netiquette is ones etiquette on the internet throughout their interactions in the digital world. Personally, with being a part of Facebook and other social media sites, I myself have a digital footprint containing information on me as well!

A discussion arises on whether one should have a digital footprint; I believe, along with certain author's, that everyone should have a digital footprint. In today's ever growing digital society, it is important to be educated on the digital world and it's many aspects as it is becoming pervasive in the work environment. As Ainslie's presents in her article "Yes, you should have a digital footprint...and keep track of it", employers are viewing and discussing the digital presence of employees and potential employees in order to get a better understanding of who they are. Ainslie suggests maintaining and having a digital footprint in order to watch what is said about you online and be presentable to employers. I want a digital footprint as with law enforcement they are stringent on how your digital footprint is, everything must be positive. With having a positive digital footprint and maintaining it, I would look better in the eyes of my future employers. Ainslie's article presents and supports why having a digital footprint is a good idea.With this knowledge of ones digital presence and footprint it is evident why it is important to maintain a positive digital footprint.

A positive digital footprint is when someone leaves behind only a positive image of themselves in the digital world. By having Facebook and other social media sites clear of profanity, negative remarks and other negative/illegal activities, one can work towards having a positive digital footprint. Another strategy to leaving a positive digital footprint is utilizing proper netiquette. Proper netiquette can be utilized by following the core rules of netiquette which assist people in leaving a positive digital footprint. The "Core Rules Of Netiquette" presented by Virginia Shea lays out ten rules which can be followed and assist in maintaining a positive digital footprint.

For the activities for the week, I had to take the Digital Driver License Exam with which I received 20/20 on the test. The test is administered to test someones' knowledge on the multiple aspects of the digital world from etiquette to literacy.  Based on the results of the exam, over the next few weeks of the course I will be focusing my learning on maintaining and staying up to date on the digital world and it's varying aspects. By doing this I hope to begin and sustain my own positive digital footprint from here on out.


Jason Wilson

1 comment:

  1. Hi Gurtej! You're doing a good job of demonstrating your understanding of course material here. It's good practice to incorporate hyperlinks to back up your opinions, good job there! And good use of white space and paragraphs to enhance the visual appeal of your blog as well. :)

    Don't forget to cite those images!

    Moving forward, continue building your discussion around those connections between your personal experiences and circumstances and course material. ;)

