Sunday 3 April 2016

Weekly Report & Reflection Post #12

Hello everyone

This will be my last blog post of ADED 1P32 and it feels like yesterday I wrote my first! This class has taught me quite a bit about being a better digital citizen and I will make sure to utilize everything I have learned. The digital world is fascinating and is something that should be enjoyed by everyone at sometime or another. This environment needs to be welcoming one where individuals are happy to share their thoughts and ideas respectfully with each other. Everything I have been taught enables me to be a digital citizen that promotes proper netiquette and one that respects and educates others on digital rights and responsibilities.

I have learned multiple aspects about being a digital citizen and many of these aspects have taught me how to promote quality online interactions with my fellow peers in the digital world. Throughout the course we were taught proper netiquette and the digital rights and responsibilities that all of us have. Gaining a better grasp of these concepts has lead me to not only understand quality online interactions more in depth but how to promote them! The right to assemble is important, respecting others right to comment and join in forums and conversation without hostility is crucial to note. Allowing everyone to share their ideas in a respectful way is key to having quality online interactions. Additionally, giving credit where credit is due and right to privacy are important as you do not want to steal others ideas or invade their privacy. By respecting both of these individuals have set boundaries and they can be comfortable with each other within the digital environment. This only allows for further quality online interactions. 

Keeping these in mind and promoting them (as I will be doing) will allow for the best quality online interactions to occur between individuals. This course was fantastic and I will most certainly be promoting to my fellow peers for when they choose classes next year. I hope you have enjoyed reading my blogs because I sure have enjoyed writing them. All the best and I will be signing off! Have a great summer everyone and best of luck.


Jason Wilson